Rosemary – How To Propagate Rosemary

How to propagate rosemary?

Rosemary cutting propagation is the easiest way to propagate rosemary.
Rosemary Cutting Propagation

Rosemary is one of my favorite herbs. Not only versatile and good smell, but also very easy to propagate. Propagating rosemary with cuttings per year, you don’t need to worry about the rosemary plant getting old.

This article is going to introduce two ways to propagate rosemary:

  1. Propagate rosemary in water.
  2. Propagate rosemary in soil directly.

Getting the hang of it, both propagation methods have high successful rate. Higher than propagate by rosemary seed. I tried to propagate rosemary by seed for 3 years, all fail.

How to propagate rosemary?

Propagate rosemary in water.

1. Prepare a rosemary cutting

Picking out 1-2 years old rosemary branch, cut about 5 inches long sprig to be a cutting. 1 inches long of the bottom’s color must be grey or brown. (Refer below picture) Don’t pick out too old branch.

Rosemary Cutting Propagation

2. Remove bottom leaves

Remove bottom leaves at least 0.8 inches long of the cutting. Although the root still can grow without this step, but leaves will dirty the water.

Rosemary Cutting Propagation

3. Pinch off the terminal bud of the rosemary cutting then put to water

Pinching off the terminal bud of the cutting. The nutrient will keep being transferred to the terminal bud let the cutting grow tall if skip the step. Remove terminal bud will force the roots and lateral buds to grow, then the plant will flourish.

Rosemary Cutting Propagation

When I propagate cutting in water, I’d love to use glass cup. More easier to observe the status of the cutting. Let the bottom under water and leaves above water, then place the cup to a partial shade area. Paying attention to the weather, add more water if it’s too hot, dump off excess water. Changing water per 3 days.

Tap water is not a good choice. If there is no any root grow out after 2 weeks, try to use rainwater.

4. Transplant the rosemary cutting with roots to soil

Actually I forgot to pinch off the terminal bud, after a month, the cutting grows some roots but the lateral buds were not as long as I expect.

It’s time to transplant the cutting to soil. Prepare well-drained soil and pot, put some clay pebbles or stones in the bottom of the pot. (reference this article: Cuban Oregano Cutting Propagation So Easy)

Rosemary Cutting Propagation

Watching the weather, sunlight and water in the following days.

Well-drained soil and pot are the key points.

Even if the surface of soil is dried but the excess water can’t drainage immediately, the roots of the cutting is going to rot. Watching the leaves, if any of them turns a little yellow, check the soil is well-drained or not.

Rosemary Cutting Propagation

Rosemary plant will grow lateral buds when the environment is suitable. (as following picture)

Rosemary Cutting Propagation

I don’t recommend placing herbs indoor. They need a properly ventilated area. So I place the rosemary in balcony.

Propagate rosemary in soil directly.

1. Prepare a rosemary cutting

Picking out 1-2 years old rosemary branch, cut about 5 inches long sprig to be a cutting. 1 inches long of the bottom’s color must be grey or brown. Don’t pick out too old branch.

Rosemary Cutting Propagation

2. Remove bottom leaves

Remove bottom leaves at least 0.8 inches long of the cutting.

Rosemary Cutting Propagation

3. Pinch off the terminal bud of the rosemary cutting and bury to soil

Pinching off the terminal bud of the rosemary cutting then bury to a well-drained soil and pot.

Rosemary Cutting Propagation

The lateral buds grow up after a month.

Rosemary Cutting Propagation

Another half month passed.

Rosemary Cutting Propagation

Three months passed, the rosemary cutting grows lush.

Rosemary Cutting Propagation

In conclusion of the tips that how to propagate rosemary

Comparing two ways to propagate rosemary, propagate rosemary cutting in soil seems grow faster. But only few days faster. If you are afraid of failure, I recommend propagating in water first, make sure the roots grow out then transplant to soil.

In conclusion of the tips that how to propagate rosemary:

  1. Prepare a rosemary cutting: Picking out 1-2 years old rosemary branch.
  2. Pinch off the terminal bud.
  3. Well-drained soil and pot.

I have never seen my rosemary bloom. So I have no chance to harvest rosemary seeds.